Monday, August 15, 2011

A post about God

Sometime I feel I don't deserve everything God does for me and my family.
I feel like some days I can go DAYS without opening my bible.
And I hate when a horrible situation arises I call out to God immediately yet I haven't connected with him in days.
It makes me frustrated at myself for not keeping that relationship with God active 24/7.
Yet He is always there. some way or another when those horrible situtaions arise He is right there.
He loves us in a way I can understand more as I became a mother.
I never knew love like the kind of love mother has for her child.
The kind of love that no matter what path they take, or how many days go by without a phone call that parent loves you so much no matter what.
I feel so undeserving of Gods constant protection on my family and my family family.
I want to remember him not only when the times are bad, or when a horrible situation comes up.
I want to be connected to him all day long. I want to be close to him like I am close to my best friend and my husband.
But I know he is there-always there with his arms open waiting to take me in his arms and comfort me.
My junior year in high school my art teacher took us to the house/studio of Nathan Greene.He is an amazing artist who paints these great paintings of Jesus in different situations. I love all of his paintings, they give me peace.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My growing boy.

This stage that Andrew is in is so fun. 
Of course there are those days that he is extra whinny or needy, but I take it cause one day he won't need me and I will miss his dependence on me.
He is almost 15 months.
Holy cow 15 months.
But he is always blabbing away and has such BIG intonations to his gibberish, like he has something to say and you better listen.
He is always dancing to his new favorite show " yo gabba gabba" yes I caved in and you know what as much as it annoys me they send a good message once he starts understanding more. For right now the music and characters he loves them, just like others love mickey mouse or barney he loves his gabba gabba, also did I mention they are coming to chicago LIVE... yes LIVE... and my mom wants to take us ... what have I done.
He is so fast and always always trying to run.
He is so adorable and loving, he JUST started cuddling with me, even if it is for 1 min I take that minute and milk it until he wiggles away.
He is just a little boy now. 
Not a baby but a little boy growing and learning.
My dad has been taking him outside everyday and he will just play in the dirt and bring my dad back rocks, I just feel like I'm seeing the miracle of life develop in front of my eyes and I feel so lucky.
I spent 2 hours during a nap time looking at pictures of him.
I know this sounds SO ridiciolous since he is only 15 months but so much changes in those months.
I remember reading updates on children who were 15 months and that just seemed SOO far away.
Yet here I am being all nostalgic already.
For the meantime I am going to enjoy my little rascal and love on him as much as I can.
Even if I have to steal about 10384 kisses a day :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Thoughts On Moving

Ever since I was 15 I feel like I've been living out of a suitcase at some point or another.
I went to boarding school for the last 2 years of highschool, and thats when my "out of a suite case life began".
Then I went to college for 4 years and that involved lots of yearly packing and repacking.. ect...
Then I got married and we moved to one state for a job.
Then the hubs got into a masters program and we moved again.
Chicago-Tennessee-Florida- Chicago-Michigan.
At some point I just got used to it.
But now we are on our way to Michigan where I finished my undergrad and now my hubs is starting his masters.
This is the longest place we will be at. 3 years.
I am not 100% happy about it, our apartment is tad smaller then our old one.
The positive thing about this move is that I will be 109 miles away from home.
So that's how I feel.
Just blah right now.
Someone tell me to be positive.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Random thoughts on toys.

Yesterday my sister and I were walking down target and I decided to stop by the barbie section.
I was CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYY over barbies. I think I had at least 30 and all I wanted to do until the age of 13 was play with barbies.
Which leaves me to another thought of how innocent I was at the age of 13 compared to some girls nowadays.
I digress.
So I was so happy to see that MOST of the barbies are now geared towards some sort of career or activity. Needless to say I suddenly felt like playing with barbies again, is that weird? oh well it was my feelings at that moment.
Then my uterus started crying out to have a girl so I can buy her barbies and play with her.
Okay I'm done.

So the first toy I saw was this "Monster High" toys. Kinda like barbies but they are weird "people" that are all stiched up and dead i think? I don't know... all I know is that I do not want my children playing with toys like these

seriously creeptastic. It said something like " I'm all stitched up"..

then this other creepy thing..

lets not forget I HATEEEEEEEEEE anything scary. anything. dolls especially.

Then I walked down the rest of the aisle to get off my mind the horror of toys I just saw.
And I saw these cool barbie sets of toys

Needless to say I wanted to be 10 again.

Have a good weekend friends!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Part 3

This is a continuation of our love story...

So we spoke that whole summer, there was some ups and downs, and mostly on my side because I was uncertain about things.
Finally the summer came to an end and I was SOOOO excited to be going back to school because I really really wanted to see Andrew.

I got there and he was busy when I arrived, I'm not going to lie I was pretty bummed he wasn't going to greet me right away, but we were nothing official so I didn't expect anything either.

That night we met up in a little gazebo that had a swing inside. We sat there and we talked. I realized how much I did like him.

We spent the rest of the month flirting and secretly holding hands until one day Andrew asked me whats going on and I constantly said " I don't know". He was not happy and just ignored me that day. Then I realized how not happy I was when he was not in my life everyday.
I told him I liked him through messenger while he was at work. He told me we would talk later.
He picked me up in the car and  we talked about us, and we both said we wanted a future.
So on September 10, 2006 we started dating.

We had a great courtship, 2 years of long distance while I went to a different university to finish up my major and then we were engaged July 15, 2008.

Married June 7, 2009 and we have been enjoying each moment good and bad.
and of course our little bundle of joy.

here is the first picture someone took of us.

Summer days

I'm still here with my parents, and although I am enjoying my time here with them I am more than ready to be reunited with my husband.
His last day is friday, then he drives straight to michigan and he starts his part time job in the dormitory of the university he is getting his masters in. He goes to a retreat and probably won't be back till tuesday. I think that he'll come pick us up that weekend, maybe. We don't know because my sisters 15th birthday party * a huge deal in the hispanic community* is the following weekend and whats the point of coming just to go back?
But today is one of those days that I truly miss my husband. A lot. We were long distance for 2 years but this single parenting thing is hitting me hard.
Yes I have my sister here and my mom sometimes when she doesn't work, but I feel like its not THEIR job to watch my son so I can have 1 hour out of the day to myself. But with my husband its his son so I dont feel bad at all.

Meanwhile I have been eating so badly here at my parents, its not good. not good at all. I'm just going to leave it at that.

I need curtains and new wall decals stat.

Did I mention I need my home life as in my husband the baby and I ?

Have a good tuesday... or is it Wednesday ..

Monday, August 1, 2011

A birthday letter to my other half

27 years ago a little baby was born
God had him made especially for me.
Today I am so happy to call him my husband.
I thank God for letting him be in my life. He is an outstanding man filled with love.
From the moment we started dating till the day we got married.
Then we had a little baby and you have been nothing less than a great Daddy.

Most of all I hope I can spend many MANY MANY more birthdays with you Andrew. You are so so special to me.
You make my heart happy and I love this little family of 3 that we are. :)
 Te amo con todo mi corazon papi lindo!

Your wife and daddy boy