Wednesday, May 16, 2012


My sweet boy
Today you are two years old.
It might sound so cliché to say “where has the time gone” but for me it seems so true.
These past two years with you have been the most rewarding years of my life. You have taught us so many things that you are not even aware of. You have taught us to be more patient, kind, loving, all the virtues that we should have been working on you continue to teach us.
You are the shining light of our lives. You bring so much joy to us every day. With your sweet smile, your tender heart, your hugs and kisses, like your dad says we need those kisses everyday.
You are such a smart sweet boy. You love to dance and play. You like to draw everywhere and sing whatever little tune is in your head. Sometimes we watch you and we look at each other and say “ we made that” you are so loved little one.
Your adorable curly hair and the way you grab our faces to give us kisses, that enough for us.
You made me a mom and I am so proud to be YOUR mom, likewise for your daddy, He couldn’t be more proud to be your Dad. You are his pride and joy, his “daddy boy”. Your eyes light up when you see him, and you always try to show him your dancing, or all the little “tricks” you do. You look up to him and he in return loves you with all his heart.
And I as you mom, well… you show me your real side. We haven’t been freed from the so called “terrible twos” but it’s hard to be mad at you when you give us a smile or when you say “MAMI” for me to look at you dance.
You love to pray and say “men” when your done. You are just my everything.
I am beyond blessed to have you in my life.
We love you.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

why hello

Its been awhile since my last blog, since my lack of my OWN computer its not so easy for me to get on here to type. My BFF gave me her old cracked iphone and that has been my "computer" during the day.
meanwhile Andrew is getting so big, changing every second, surprising us with good and bad that makes things interesting everyday for us thats for sure.
He's going to be 2 next week. Not sure how in the world that has happened it has and now I will go back and look at his newborn pictures and thing how did time go by so freaking fast.
We are having a yo gabba gabba themed birthday and thanks to a bloggy friend I have some music already ! she saved my life on that aspect.
My mom is helping me since it will take place in chicago so I'm excited also birthday parties are such hard work!

here are a few pics of our boy.