Saturday, December 17, 2011

A day in the snow

Last week there was the first real snow fall of the year, as in snow stayed on the ground long enough.
Andrew looked out the window in awe of this new white thing falling from the sky, after all it was his first snow fall!
needless to say we didn't go out and enjoy it like you would have thought, we stayed home.
But today it snowed, and after church my hubs took andrew out to "play" in the snow.
My husband is from florida. Sooo you can imagine how much fun he was having * none* and then andrew didn't like it either, but he was brave and took some photos with us :)


  1. We have just been waiting for enough snow to build a snowman. Weird that it's a week before Christmas and we're still waiting...
    I LOVE those pictures. They are so sweet! =)

  2. So jealous of your snow. I really hope we get some this year for BG to play in!!
