Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Only one

This is kinda weird for me to type.
Have I mentioned the hubs and I have seriously talked about Andrew being our only baby?
Are we crazy?
I love him so much, and don't get me wrong i totally get baby fever a lot, but at the same time we think about lot of things.
The ugly world around us, raising kids in this crazy world. Of course we want to be a good example and teach him to make right choices, but the world is so tempting, the bad things are always out there.
At the same time we feel happy with us 3. Yes it seems selfish to some, because he has no siblings.
I have one sister, and i LOVE Her to death. I know the great bond that siblings bring.
Sometimes I think I shouldn't even type this, but its true for us right now.
Who knows 5 years down the line.
My sister and I are 9 years apart. OF course we didn't even have similar things to talk about till maybe 1 year ago.
Now she is 14 and she and I are finally "sisters"
Before her and I had the "Mom and daughter " realtionship.
We have never been in a hurry to have a family, clearly.
Also neither of us came into this marriage wanting a BIG family.
It would be 2 kids tops, if we had another one.
Till then we will enjoy our little one! HE is MORE than enough right now :)

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it's selfish if you don't give your little guy a sibling. You just have to do what's right for your family. I have lots of friends who are 'only children' and they're doing great. I know "who am I to say", but I just feel bad when people are afraid to post something on their own blog out of fear of others (I totally understand it, it's just sad). If someone doesn't like what you write all they have to do is click the little x in the top right corner. Write your heart out. As a newbie to your blog, I think it's adorable! =)
