THis weekend has been fun!
FIrst started off with feeding our little one some rice cereal for the first time! He was hesistant at first but by mid bowl he was enjoying it. He made the CUTEST faces when he was eating and looking at us like "what the heck, why not". He's been drooling and salivating everytime we eat so the docotor gave us the 'go' to feed him some rice cereal.
I alsooo FINALLY got my letters that i ordered! Like i said they are BIG and perfect!
THey came in wood, i painted them with Gesso and then i tried to find some ideas online for Andrew's letters. FInally i found something i like, the letters are green, brown , and yellow ( they kind look black in the picture but they are not). I'm happy on how they turned out! My Second crafty type project! and the 'G' and 'A' is for our room, I'm painting them black.
Anyways hope everyone's weekend was relaxing as well
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